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Source language
Target language

Results 1 - 20 of about 98
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Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Icelandic Ég skil ekki
Ég skil ekki
Corrected: ég skilj ekki

Completed translations
Spanish No entiendo
Croatian Ne razumijem
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Swedish Med dig är jag en bättre!
Med dig är jag en bättre!

Completed translations
English With you I am better.
Croatian S bobom sam bolji
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
English Jesus is God! God loves you!
Jesus is God!
God loves you!

Completed translations
Persian language مسیح
Spanish Jesús es Dios
Portuguese brazilian Jesus é Deus ! Deus ama você!
Source language
Turkish Gözlerin çok güzel.
Gözlerin çok güzel.

Completed translations
Dutch je ogen..
Italian Gli occhi tuoi
Source language
Turkish Sonsuzluk senle başladı O küçük dünyamda Unutma...
Sonsuzluk senle başladı
O küçük dünyamda
Unutma gittiğinde yarım kaldı
Uzanıyorum tutamıyorum
Özlüyorum ağlıyorum
Yasak mısın anlamıyorum ne olur dön

Completed translations
English Eternity
German Ewigkeit
Source language
English Oh no, I have to go to the doctor.
Oh no, I have to go to the doctor.
The "oh no" should be regretful/resigned. This is not an emergency situation-- it's just to express that a person is disappointed they have to see a doctor.

Completed translations
German Oh nein!
Source language
Swedish Jag översätter till finska.
Jag översätter till finska.

Completed translations
English I translate into Finnish.
German Ich übersetze
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Italian Amore mio,sei il mio primo pensiero della...
Amore mio,sei il mio primo pensiero della giornata,la mia energia per affrontarla,la compagnia piu' dolce quando ti sento,per sempre tu.
Traduzione in olandese

Completed translations
Dutch Jij bent...
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Italian Gioiello mio,Aprimi le porte del tuo cuore,saro'...
Gioiello mio,Aprimi le porte del tuo cuore,lascia che io sia il tuo amico piu' sincero nei tuoi momenti piu' tristi ,il tuo amante nei momenti di passione,la tua guida nella vita,lascia che io tuo amore.
Traduzione in olandese

Completed translations
Dutch Mijn parel
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
English Conversation about love
Conversation about love
Translate from English to Italian

Completed translations
Italian Conversazione d´amore
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Spanish una mirada dos pasos
Una mirada, dos pasos, tres palabras, cuatro caricias, cinco suspiros, seis emociones, siete besos, ocho sueños, nueve promesas...un amor.

Completed translations
Italian Uno sguardo
Source language
Icelandic Þakka þér, þú ert einnig fallegur
Þakka þér, þú ert einnig fallegur
Esta es una frase dicha por un chico refiriéndose a una amiga.
Me gustaría que fuera traducido al español y al inglés británico.

Corrected: Þakka þú -> Þakka þér

Completed translations
English Thank you. You are beautiful too.
Spanish Gracias
20Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".20
French tu seras toujours dans mon coeur
tu seras toujours dans mon coeur
maybe Serais is Seras.

U.S. Pleas
Yes, it is "seras",(future tence) I edited (10/24francky)

Completed translations
English you will always be in my heart
Danish Du vil altid være i mit hjerte
Spanish Siempre estarás en mi corazón...
Italian Sarai sempre nel mio cuore
Swedish Du kommer alltid att finnas i mitt hjärta.
German Du wirst
Albanian Ti gjithmonë do të jesh në zemrën time
Source language
Turkish İlk evcil hayvanınızın adı
İlk evcil hayvanınızın adı
cn u help ,e

Completed translations
English Name of your first pet
Spanish Nombre de tu primera mascota
Source language
Japanese 相楽からオマエがここでバイトしてるってきいてさ
The first two kanjis are a name, so there's no need to translate that.

Completed translations
English I heard from S
French J'ai entendu dire d'après "S" que tu ...
German Ich hörte von S...
Polish Słyszałem od S., że pracowałeś tutaj na część etatu.
Czech Slyšel jsem od S
Source language
English Aphorism 17
To assume responsibility
means to participate and to create.
It is fun.

Completed translations
French Aphorisme 17
Italian Aphorism 17
Russian Афоризм 17
Spanish Asumir la responsibilidad...
Croatian Preuzeti odgovornost
Source language
Greek Σε αγαπάω φιλενάδα
Σε αγαπάω φιλενάδα

<edit> with small fonts, as we do not accept texts in caps anymore </edut> (07/29/francky thanks to reggina's help)

Completed translations
English I love you
Italian Ti amo, ragazza!
Source language
Lithuanian verskis kaip tik nori.
verskis kaip tik nori.

Completed translations
Spanish Traducir
Italian Come lo si desidera
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